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Highwood News

A big warm welcome to all our new children and their families - we hope you settle...

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Highwood News

A very Happy New Year to all our children and their families.

A big warm welcome...

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Highwood News Spring 2022 (2)

Highwood Spring Term News

Wow - what a fun filled term is planned for all of our children. Have lots of fun!!





Welcome to the Summer Term, just click here to view or download it. 

Highwood News December & January 2022 (2)

Highwood News Christmas & New Year

We hope that all of our children and their families have a fun filled Christmas and a wonderful 2022





Welcome to the Summer Term, just click here to view or download it. 

Highwood News Autumn 2021 (5)

Highwood News Autumn 2021

With the start of a new term we welcome all our new children and their families and hope that they settle in well and have lots of fun.

We hope that all of our children have had a fun filled summer and are looking forward to the term ahead?





Welcome to the Summer Term, just click here to view or download it. 

Highwood News Summer 2021 (2)

Highwood News Summer 2021

Where has this year gone - I cannot believe we are nearly half way through 2021!!

Whilst things are still not back to normal - nursery life continues to be fun with a variety of exciting activities and events planned for the children.





Welcome to the Summer Term, just click here to view or download it. 

Highwood News Spring 2021 (4)

Highwood News Spring 2021

I would firstly like to thank all our parents/carers for their support during this pandemic - it is greatly appreciated.

Amidst these strange times it is lovely to see all of our children happy at nursery and engaged in exciting activities.




Welcome to the Summer Term, just click here to view or download it. 

Highwood News Autumn 2020 (3)

Highwood News Autumn 2020

Despite the strange times in which we are currently living in it is lovely to see our children happy and engaged in different activities. It is also great to see all of our new children settling in to 'Highwood life'.



Welcome to the Summer Term, just click here to view or download it. 

Highwood News Summer 2020 (2)

Highwood News Summer 2020

It is lovely to see our children back at Highwood - we hope they have lots of Summer fun this term. 



Welcome to the Summer Term, just click here to view or download it.